January 24, 2008

Focus the Nation declares the debate on global warming is "over"

An environment advocacy group, Focus the Nation, will be discussing solutions for global warming on many college campuses across America on January 31st. They claim that the debate should focus on solutions, as there is "no longer a meaningful scientific debate about whether or not global warming is caused by human-kind...".

Hold on a second, what about those countless scientists who denounce the idea of man-made global warming? Are you forgetting about them?

Focus the Nation even suggests radical ideas such as a tax on emissions (as if we don't have enough taxes already).

Let's not jump to such hasty conclusions...

Take a good look for yourself. The media doesn't give the other side a chance.

There are undoubtably bad things that humans do to the environment, I don't deny that, but the impact of humans is minimal (and unproven) on global warming.

I am not against humans being more conscious; how many of us are sickened by pollution? But no matter your opinion on conservation, the arrogant statements made by Focus the Nation should be discounted as liberal bias.


Source: CNSnews.com

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