March 4, 2008

Bike Race

Yeah I had another moutain bike race and I got second place out of four people racing. I am so happy. I was ten minutes behind first place though so I have a lot of work left to do. I'll have to train hard the next month. I like to ride with my Australian Sheperd Husky mix he is a good dog. his name is Lucas he is really fast. One time he caught a squirrle in our back yard and got attacked by the squirrle. He had a big puncture wound on his lip and had a really deep cut under his chin. he finaly dropped the squirrle after dad and I told him to stop. there was blood everywhere.
Summergirl13 :)


Anonymous said...

that's cool. i like riding my bike around, but not down mountains. and i bet ur dog is pretty

liberry dayz said...

LOL, ur dog sounds way coolio. you should post a pic. my dog attacked a giant rat in our garage last summer with similar results.

Anonymous said...

cool I cant post a picture of my dog becuse my teen volunteer persone says that my parents could sue the library and plus I use the teen computers to work on the blog since I dont have the pasword. I have to babysit today