April 22, 2008

random bla bla. what's wrong?

so like i attend the library meetings at desert sage. but all of our librarians keep leaving us!!!! it's so not cool. =/. first it was mahina and now beth!!! i think there's something wrong with us!!!! but we have a new librarian now. francisco. he better not leave. we can't take this chaos anymore! porqueeeeeeeeeeeeee????????? no entiendo!!!! whyyyy iiii???


PPL Library Staff said...

I didn't want to leave you! I wish I could stay forever and ever!

--Librarian Red Riding Hood

PPL Library Staff said...

Not 2 worry we are here to stay 4 good or atleast 1 year... ha ha... did you see how badly I did on guitar hero? I doubt I am getting any more promotions playing that way...

the mean librarian

Acacia Teens said...

yeah don got moved to your library. tell her that the teens at acacia said hi. :)