Volunteers to the extreme!
we had 150 out of control kids lined up wanting impossible shapes and 3 teens overcame this amazing obstacle in one hour. They succeeded in pleasing all the impaient/rude rascals and were exhausted. After being bombarded and with no choice, they pumped, twisted, and formed all 200 and up balloon animals.
which the three teens{which shall no be named} had learned to make these animals in 20 minutes! 0_o ^_^ we rocked!
Wow very impressive maby you want to come to the Mesquite branch and do that for our rasculs. I'm impressed with how fast you learned and how long you worked. What animals were you offering?
You learned in 20 minutes? from someone?
that's awesome
that's awsome way to go dessert sage teen's! :-)
Awesome! Looks like you guys had fun!
--Red Riding Hood
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