Hey bloggers, Teen Central here! We've been encouraging kids to get into music by creating their own songs using this awesome website called jamglue. Jamglue rocks because you can record your own sounds and music or browse their huge collection of samples and build your song anyway you like it. This week we're running a contest where you can create your own song and win awesome prizes. We've got tickets to concert venues and music store gift cards. You can create your song at home, at your branch, or down here at Teen Central. We've got some recording equipment here if you don't have any at home.
Our only stipulations are: the song has to be over 1 minute in length, can't contain profanity, and must be original. You can use Jamglue's samples, but you can't just upload a whole song to the website.
Songs are due by Wed Dec 17th at 9pm.
We're showcasing the winning songs on Dec 18th in Teen Central from 2-4 PM.
Questions? Want to submit your song? Email me any ideas or your jamglue song link at lisa.zovich@phoenix.gov
1 comment:
I missed the winners yesterday. Will you play them again? Or post them somewhere?
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