Check out The Loser's Guide to Life and Love, by A. E. Cannon.

Ed works at a video store with his best friend, Scout (who's a girl), where he has to wear a frilly shirt and a name tag that says Sergio. One day a beautiful girl walks in and Ed pretends to be Sergio in order to get her attention. While Ed is pursuing her, he discovers he has feelings for Scout, but, so does his other best friend, Quark. Oh, how will this all turn out??
City of Ashes, by Cassandra Clare

Book 2 in a series that started with City of Bones. Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle and Alec are back for round 2 with Valentine. Please Ms. Clare, don't make Clary and Jace be siblings, pleeeeeeease!!
Monster Zoo, by Doug TenNapel

Two boys encounter more than they expected on a trip to the zoo.
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