January 29, 2008

Comicon wrap-up

Hello, all you fans of anime, fantasy, sci-fi, etc! The place to be this weekend was the Phoenix Comicon were thousands of fans descended on the Mesa Convention Center to meet, greet, and be seen. The Phoenix Public Library was there with a table talking about all the stuff we have to offer such as Comic Collab, Create! Zine, and the thousands of volumes of graphic novels in our collection. I was lucky to be there both days working at the library table, which had a sweet spot next to a Star Wars costuming table. Saturday I hung out with R2D2 and on Sunday with Yoda (he's just as nice as you think he is). One of the best things about these kind of conventions is getting to see all the different costumes. By far the most popular costumes were from Naruto and other anime shows. Like any respectable sci-fi convention there were also plenty of stormtroopers and at least five Vaders. However, the con was not all fun and games. There were some heated discussions regarding who would win in a knock down drag-out fight, Superman or Batman (Batman, duh!), and American comics vs. Anime. Your thoughts?

While there, I indulged my inner geek and bought some graphic novels based on the Grimm Fairy Tales and a novel by Frank Beddor, The Looking Glass Wars. It's supposed to be a retelling of Alice in Wonderland, if you're interested, the library does own multiple copies. Has anyone read this, and if so what did you think of it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to read The Looking Glass Wars! Let me know how it is.